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English Tasks

Hello friend ! welcome back to our blog today we will discuss about group 7 is about "How to use"

they open the presentation by singing together national song "Berkibarlah Benderaku"

Berkibarlah Benderaku
Berkibarlah benderaku
Lambang suci gagah perwira
Di seluruh pantai Indonesia
Kau tetap pujaan bangsa

Siapa berani menurunkan engkau
Serentak rakyatmu membela
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarlah Slama-lamanya

Kami rakyat Indonesia
Bersedia setiap masa
Mencurahkan segenap tenaga
Supaya kau tetap cemerlang

Tak goyang jiwaku menahan rintangan
Tak gentar rakyatmu berkorban
Sang merah putih yang perwira
Berkibarkah Slama-lamanya

JP/Rafaela Chandraln less than a month before his second inaguration, Presiden Joko Widodo issued a refulation on the use of Bahasa Indonesia in an attempt to clarify provinsions on the use of the 2009 language law. According to the law, the use o Indonesian is mandatory in agreements or contracts involving Indonesian parties, If non-indonesian parties are involved in such agreements, the agreements can also be written in english or in the national language of the non-indonesian parties. There are three points in the presiential regulation that will largely influence how bussiness contracts are made.

And also they gave us a Short Movie called "Are You In The World Like Me?

This movie was about the technology advances that is really increasing in this era, but it caused people to act like there are no humanity, they only care about their existence in their social media life, they don't even care about their surroundings.

Procedure Text, is text that gives us orders or instructions to do something.

The purpose of the Text Procedure is to explain how something is created, done or used through sequential steps (to show how something is made/used/done through sequence of steps).

Language Features of Procedure Text

1. Simple Present Tense

2. Kalimat perintah (Imperative Sentences)

Examples are heat, stir, mix, add, boil, plug in, and so on.

3. Kata penghubung (Connectives)

for example firstly, secondly, then, after that, finally, last, and so on.

4. Kata keterangan (Adverbs)

for example slowly, thoroughly, well, fast, and others

This is their power point slides about how to use photoshop

And after that they closed the presentation by singing together folk song

Butet, dipangungsian do amangmu ale butet.
Da margurilla da mardarurat ale butet.
Da margurilla da mardarurat ale butet.

Butet, sotung ngolngolan ro hamuna ale butet.
Paima tona manang surat ale butet.
Paima tona manang surat ale butet.

I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.
I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.

Butet, sotung sumolsol roha muna ale butet.
Musunta i ikkon saut do talu ale butet.
Musunta i ikkon saut do talu ale butet.

Butet, haru patibu ma magodang ale butet.
Asa adong da palang merah ale butet.
Da palang merah ni negara ale butet.

I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.
I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.

I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.
I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.

I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge.
I doge doge doge i dogei doge doge


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Biography of Charles Babbage Charles Babbage       Charles Babbage, he is the father of computer. He was born on December 26,1791, in London. His father’s name was Benjamin Babbage and his mother’s name was Batsy Plumleight Babbage. Charles was one of the four children born to Benjamin Babbage who was banker and merchant. The Babbage family was wealty. Charles received much of his early education from private tutors.         In 1810, he entered Trinity Collage at Cambridge University. The he found that, he knew more about mathematics than his instructors. In 1814, the same year of Babbage’s graduation from Cambridge. Same year, he married Georgiana Whitmore. They had eight children together but  only three lived beyond childhood.        After his graduation, he lectured on astronomy at the Royal Institution and in 1816, was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1820, he helped to establish the Astronomical Society.        In 1822, Babbage began work

English Tasks

Hello friend ! welcome back to our blog today we will discuss about group 8 is about "News Item" they open the presentation by singing together national song  "17 Agustus" 17 Agustus Tujuh belas Agustus tahun empat lima Itulah hari kemerdekaan kita Hari merdeka nusa dan bangsa Hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia Merdeka Sekali merdeka tetap merdeka Selama hayat masih di kandung badan Kita tetap setia tetap sedia Mempertahankan Indonesia Kita tetap setia tetap sedia Membela negara kita News "Game Of Thrones Creators leave Star Wars For Netflix" The creators of the television series Game Of Thrones, David Benioff and D.B.Weiss, canceled writing the script for the fourth star wars trilogy. They decided that after working with the netflix streaming service. "We love Star Wars.When George (Lucas) built it, he also built us. Talking about Star Wars with him and with the team is a lifelong sensation", Benioff and Weiss said as reported

English Tasks

Hello friend ! welcome back to our blog today we will discuss about group 9 is about "Procedure Text" Before presentation, we all sang together National Anthem "Bangun Pemudi Pemuda" Bangun Pemudi Pemuda Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmu lah Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Sudi tetap berusaha jujur dan ikhlas Tak usah banyak bicara trus kerja keras Hati teguh dan lurus pikir tetap jernih Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri News  'Western plastics poisoning indonesian food chain" Environmental group IPEN found, in one East Java Village, toxics dioxins in chicken eggs 70 times the level allowed by european safety standards. Long-term expossure to the chemicals is linked to cancer, damage to the immune system and developmental issues. Synopsis This is a short social realist drama which f