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English Tasks

Hello friend ! welcome back to our blog today we will discuss about group 10 is about "if clause + imperative"

They open the presentation by singing together national song  "Indonesia Pusaka"

Indonesia Pusaka

Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Slalu dipuja-puja bangsa

Disana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Sampai akhir menutup mata

Indonesia tanah air beta
Pusaka abadi nan jaya
Indonesia sejak dulu kala
Slalu dipuja-puja bangsa

Disana tempat lahir beta
Dibuai dibesarkan bunda
Tempat berlindung di hari tua
Sampai akhir menutup mata

They also gave us a news

"Indonesia earthquake kills more than 20 people"
A strong earthquake has killed 23 people and injured more than 100 on one of indonesia's less populated islands, disaster officials say. The National Disaster Mitigation Agency said most of the victims of Thursday's magnitude 6,5 quake in Ambon, the capital of Maluku Province.

And also a short movie, this is the synopsis

There is a story about a fish and a cat who are friends with each other, and they are both pets, the fish looks at the window everyday because it imagine what is it like to live in an open lake, the cat wanted to help its friend (the fish) to get the life it wanted.
If clause + imperative

If you see John, tell him he needs to come to my office.
• If you travel abroad, remember the passport
• If you go to Australia, send me a postcard.
• If you go to the supermarket, bring back some milk.
• If Mike comes, call me.

If clause + suggestion
• If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder.
• If you want a good price, why don't you go to the factory outlet?
• If you want to be the chair of OSIS, offer a good program to improve the school environment.

This their power point slides

And after that they closed the presentation by singing together folk song “Rasa Sayange"

Rasa Sayange

rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange
rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange

mana kancil akan dikejar, ke dalam pasar cobalah cari
masih kecil rajin belajar, sudah besar senanglah diri

rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange
rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange

rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange
rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange

kalau ada sumur di ladang boleh kita menumpang mandi
kalau ada umurku panjang boleh kita jumpa lagi

rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange
rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
eh lihat dari jauh, rasa sayang sayange

Okay that is for today, stay tune for new content

See you :)


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English Tasks

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English Tasks

Hello friend ! welcome back to our blog today we will discuss about group 9 is about "Procedure Text" Before presentation, we all sang together National Anthem "Bangun Pemudi Pemuda" Bangun Pemudi Pemuda Bangun pemudi pemuda Indonesia Tangan bajumu singsingkan untuk negara Masa yang akan datang kewajibanmu lah Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Menjadi tanggunganmu terhadap nusa Sudi tetap berusaha jujur dan ikhlas Tak usah banyak bicara trus kerja keras Hati teguh dan lurus pikir tetap jernih Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri Bertingkah laku halus hai putra negri News  'Western plastics poisoning indonesian food chain" Environmental group IPEN found, in one East Java Village, toxics dioxins in chicken eggs 70 times the level allowed by european safety standards. Long-term expossure to the chemicals is linked to cancer, damage to the immune system and developmental issues. Synopsis This is a short social realist drama which f