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Biography of Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage
      Charles Babbage, he is the father of computer. He was born on December 26,1791, in London. His father’s name was Benjamin Babbage and his mother’s name was Batsy Plumleight Babbage. Charles was one of the four children born to Benjamin Babbage who was banker and merchant. The Babbage family was wealty. Charles received much of his early education from private tutors. 

      In 1810, he entered Trinity Collage at Cambridge University. The he found that, he knew more about mathematics than his instructors. In 1814, the same year of Babbage’s graduation from Cambridge. Same year, he married Georgiana Whitmore. They had eight children together but  only three lived beyond childhood.

       After his graduation, he lectured on astronomy at the Royal Institution and in 1816, was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1820, he helped to establish the Astronomical Society.

       In 1822, Babbage began work on his difference engine. That machine was capable of performing mathematical calculations. At the time numerical tables were calculated by humans which resulted in high error rates in the tables bye produced. 

His first prototype which was not finished during Babbage’s lifetime was composed of 25,000 parts and would have weighed around 15 tons.

A second prototype was also designed by Babbage. The London science museum constructed the machine from Babbage’s original plans in 1991. It performed its first calculation at the Science Museum London returning result to 31 digits.


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